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November 18, 2007

Caution: Watch For Falling Dargons

What is it about sharp pointy rocks that attracts dragons like a moth to a flame?

Wowwiki suggests that maybe the gronns stuck them up there, but even Gruul himself would have to grow pretty angry to reach that high.


Unknown said...

like Hulk, there's probably no limit to what Gruul can do if he gets angry enough. Like throwing a big rock at a passing dragon. In addition, I doubt that the black dragons' ego allows them to back down from a fight.

Anonymous said...

No, no, no. You guys don't know your history. Those are the dragons that got into the Gronn's grog one night and then tried flying drunk. :)P

(Btw, not to nit-pick but the alt text on your image says dargon+sunset.) :-)

Jon said...

what's a dargon? =P

Anonymous said...

Jon, you know, like in "Dem dargon injuns dun stole mah heffah."


Glass Cannon Productions said...


What, you mean if you see a sharp corner you don't throw yourself into it? Geez, Your missing out on some fun!

Ratshag said...

I flies into them dang spikes all the time. Ain't gotten impalified so far...

Anonymous said...

That dragon always creeped me out whenever I'd run past it...

It's eerie.