Yes, World of Warcraft, there are girls on the internets.

March 24, 2008

Screenshot Sunday: Elekktrofied

So, I've been making a huge push to get my shaman to level 70 before patch 2.4 hits. This week's screenshot is from Blade's Edge earlier in the week, back when he was 68. I hit 70 yesterday at 10 days, 3.5 hours, which I figure isn't so bad since a) I wasn't trying to keep a pace, b) I have a tendency to stick him in an in and wander off without logging, and c) a fair bit of his Azeroth leveling happened before the leveling changes in patch 2.3.

The best part about leveling my shaman, in addition to the sheer fun of whacking things in the face and having a short-timer interrupt, has been leveling on rested XP from 61-70. That just rocks.

I've also had a great time leveling enhancement, and will probably keep the spec as I finish out most of the early quests -- I have a tons more to do in Netherstorm, and I haven't even touched Shadowmoon Valley. But the other big push this weekend has been to get my Kara key. Sure, they may be unnecessary in just a few short days, but in the meantime, our Monday newbie Karazhan raid needs a second healer, so I volunteered my undergeared self to the task.

Will I survive? More importantly: will my raid survive? I'll let you know.


Exanimo said...

I just recently had my Shaman ding 70 which i also leveled as Enhancement and i was surprised just how much fun it was hitting and blasting stuff in the face from up close.
I have a Hunter and Warrior (prot) at 70 and a Moonkin at 63-ish but the Shaman was something completely fresh, quite versatile aswell.

Anonymous said...

I've recently been leveling a paladin, and I have to agree. So much fun smacking things in the face. It's a huge change of pace compared to my priest. :)

Winter said...

This just in: They survived.

Also, thats an awesome screenshot. :)

Chuckles said...

As a raiding mage player, I love Totem of Wrath to the point of disdain for shammies without it. I'm biased and I admit it which makes me no less of a jerk.

Word on the street is that you will still need your key, but not the "attunement" whatever that means. While I generally like the way Blizzard has opened up the end-game content to all players by removing attunements from the 25 person raids, I think it would be stupid to remove the key requirement from Kara because of the lore involved. It's neat just the way it is.

Anonymous said...

As long as you have at the bare minimum a bonus of 950 bonus healing, you should be OK... though I believe the magic number for Kara is 1200. (Unbuffed, btw)

Anonymous said...

Don't forsake the Enhancement just yet! Enhancement shamans are justified for raiding.

- Asirae

Anonymous said...

Asirae, we have both an Enhancement Shaman and an Elemental Shaman that DPS in our raids. The enchancement guy puts out some good numbers and has great gear, but he will never reach the numbers of out Elemental monster.

Girl Meets WoW said...

Keep in mind, it's not so much that I haven't enjoyed leveling enhancement as it is that all of my other 3 level 70 characters are dpsers. It's time for a change, and a shammy's an awesome choice for a newb healer.

And Winter's right, we did survive. (Mostly thanks to his overgeared healadin and +5 raidleadering powers.) And I got some awesome pants.

Johnny² said...

Good luck! I just got my first toon [Hunter] to 70, and it's been kind of weird, since level 70 always seemed to be so far away, and then it came out of nowhere on me.

I'm not sure what I'll level next or where my Hunter will go from here, but it should be entertaining.

Unknown said...

shammies- jack of all trades. I wouldn't trade a shammi for anything- best class evah! (i have a 70resto) :D

Anonymous said...

Your web is great!! I learned something about WOW here!!!!

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精神年齢 said...


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小向美奈子 said...


素人 said...


メル友募集 said...

最近仕事ばかりで毎日退屈してます。そろそろ恋人欲しいです☆もう夏だし海とか行きたいな♪ 連絡待ってるよ☆

ホスト said...


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夏フェス!! said...

夏フェス一緒に行ってくれる人募集!!夏の思い出一緒につくろぉ☆ 連絡してね♪

無料ゲーム said...


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