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February 15, 2008

Shade of Akama Sheep Macro

image by TheAlieness GiselaGiardino²³

Today's post is just a quick one, inspired by a search query in my Google Analytics. This one goes out to all the mages currently working their way through Black Temple or getting ready to enter BT in patch 2.4.

In the Akama fight, groups of adds are periodically entering the room from either side and have to be systematically CC'd and killed. This is a great fight for a sheep macro because the adds spawn instantly at the doors and will take off running immediately. Here's the macro I use to target, sheep, and re-sheep the dps caster in each group:

/tar Ashtongue Elementalist
/cast [target=focus] Polymorph

We tend to kill the spirit binder first, then the rogue, then the elementalist. If your dps is fast enough to kill Akama, it's unlikely you'll need to re-sheep unless something goes wrong.


Anonymous said...

Will that macro complete with a single button press, or does it require multiple presses?

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Someone...? Anyone...? LOL

Logan said...

It should complete with a single button press. I have a similar focus macro for chain-fearing and chain-banishing in ZA and TK that sets my focus and fears/banishes in one keystroke. I should probably add the "/tar" part to simplify things for re-CCing, though things could get dicey when there are more than one target with the same name...

ePathChina said...

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