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October 25, 2007

Mad Alchemist's Potion Proc Disappointingly Low

The PTRs got a patch today, which gave me the chance to load up my shadow priest and take a look at the new alchemist's only potion being added in 2.3. As I discussed on Tuesday, the Mad Alchemist's potion is a cheap version of the super rejuvenation potion that restores health and mana, and "sometimes has side effects." Drysc elaborated on this yesterday: the potions will occasionally give a random elixir buff when used, but "won't replace existing elixir buffs though, if you already have one on."

I headed onto Test to burn through my ragveil supply. The recipe is indeed trainable in Honor Hold and Thrallmar; it costs 3 gold 15 silver to learn. Naturally, I had some questions: will the "random elixir buff" count against your guardian or battle elixir count? Will the potion fail to proc if you already have elixirs up? If you get the random buff, can you then drink a different elixir in the same elixir family to have them stack?

I'd love to say I have some answers for you, but you know what? I've downed 23 of the damn things this morning, and they haven't procced once.

I think I'm going back to being a mad alchemist.

Note: this potion was later fixed on the PTRs. Jagoex does a great rundown of its effects at Warlock Therapy.


Ardent Defender said...

"I'd love to say I have some answers for you, but you know what? I've downed 23 of the damn things this morning, and they haven't procced once.

I think I'm going back to being a mad alchemist".

LMAO Maybe thats why its indeed called as such.

ObiWanAdobe said...

To be fair, it is still in the PTR so objects may seem closer or farther than they really are.

Girl Meets WoW said...

The PTR is like the side-view mirror of WoW?

I like it.

Anonymous said...

The PTR is like the side-view mirror of WoW

That analogy is brilliant. I LOVE IT! (And I'm stealing it. LOL)